September holds a busy month for Tyrolit, amongst many open days across the country, they will be returning to the UK Metals Expo at the NEC in Birmingham, 13-14 September.

A flourishing event, bringing the entire Metal Supply Chain together under one roof.

This brings huge opportunities for organisations from any industry to discover first hand, the latest innovations and market developments for Abrasives.

Over the 2 days, businesses can interact with Tyrolit’s industry leading experts on Surface Conditioning, Grinding & Abrasive requirements, discuss issues and opportunities, to not only educate themselves on product development but also discover an extended range of products now available to the UK market!

From burr removing with Bristle Brushes, a complete Aluminium range and recently launched cost conscious Egesan Cutting & Grinding products, to Cerabond X – the latest innovative range of Cutting & Grinding discs, maximising stock removal, whilst minimising process time.

Tyrolit will also be showcasing a selection of Tool Grinding products for high speed Steel & Carbide, such as the Startec range for high strength Metal Bonded Grinding on CNC machine platforms.

As the world leading manufacturer of grinding and dressing tools, these events provide the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that Tyrolit is your ideal partner in multiple industries.

Visit Tyrolit stand F14