The new ByBend Smart from Bystronic increases the flexibility and in particular the speed of bending. Thanks to its numerous functions and options, the new machine offers the decisive plus in bending technology at an attractive price.
The ByBend Smart offers high-quality Swiss bending technology and numerous new functions at an affordable price. This is its recipe for success. From the very onset, Bystronic designed this press brake to offer a performance package with intelligent functions that enable users to produce parts in high quality and at low cost. The new press brake offers numerous additional functions: The ByBend Smart is now even more versatile for an even wider range of applications. And it is 30% faster than conventional bending – and even 50% faster with the new “Efficiency Booster” option. This makes it the ideal machine for all those sheet metal processing companies for which time is a crucial factor in the day-to-day competition for orders. One of the ByBend Smart’s flexibility-enhancing features is the insert and stroke length expansion. This upgrade, which is available with the purchase of a new machine, extends the insert height for bending tools from 480 to 580 millimeters. The additional 100 millimeters boost the ByBend Smart’s flexibility by as much as 30 percent because this means that higher tools can be used, which enables users to produce parts with lower bending edges. This is particularly useful when bending boxes and drawers. Another new optional feature is the five-axis backgauge. Until now, users had the choice between a two-axis and a four-axis backgauge system. Users who choose the five-axis system can now also use the ByBend Smart to bend complex 3D parts. For example, sheet metal products where the bending edges are not just parallel, but also at angles to each other. Similar to the expansion of the insert height and stroke length, the various backgauge systems represent an option to increase the bending versatility. The basic version of the ByBend Smart comes with a two-axis backgauge system. In addition to a wide spectrum of applications, fast bending sequences and short manufacturing cycles frequently play an important role for users. Here, increasing process speeds and shortening setup times are key. This is precisely what Bystronic offers with its range of high-speed options for the ByBend Smart. The new “Efficiency Booster” is an optional feature that ensures a fast return of the upper beam, speeding up the bending process by up to 20%. The machine’s main drive is only active when the machine is actually in operation. This is the logic of the “Energy Saver” that reduces the power consumption of the machine while also boosting productivity and offering the added benefit of minimizing noise and waste heat. Upon request, higher-performance mechanics are available that enable the ByBend Smart’s upper beam to move at higher speeds during the rapid movement and bending phases. The “Fast Bend M Safety System” option consists of a laser safety system that allows the upper beam to move almost all the way to the part that is being processed at the rapid movement speed. The high-precision laser sensor allows the ByBend Smart’s control to reduce the upper beam’s speed from up to 200 millimeters per second (rapid movement speed) to 16 millimeters per second (bending speed) just before reaching the metal sheet. The laser safety system functions like an intelligent brake assistant that permits the machine to move at a higher speed for longer. This offers users a speed advantage of up to 30 percent. During the bending process, dynamic sheet followers support and guide large and thin sheets as well as heavy, thick sheets with long bending flanges. The control synchronizes the movement of the bending aid with the actual bending process and the vertical movement of the H-axis. The dynamic sheet support is designed for machines with a press force between 100 and 300 metric tons. The lifting capacity is 100kg per set (at a distance of approx. 800 mm from the bending line). The dynamic sheet follower is operated simultaneously with the upper beam. It increases material handling flexibility, in particular for small batch sizes with changing material types and thicknesses. Optionally, there are rollers available for heavy parts. The table can be converted from plastic rails to rollers or brushes in a matter of seconds. Special packages for every demand The optional functions are available in three special packages, which are tailored to the needs of the individual users: