Lasermet has launched the Laser Castle Lite, a low-cost, self-assembly, laser safety cabin ideal for small laser operations including small laser robots used for cutting, cladding or welding, as well as for Hand-held laser welders.
Laser Castle Lite is an interlocked, modular-build, laser safety cabin designed specifically to protect co-workers outside the cabin from the potentially dangerous effects from high-energy laser radiation.
This low-cost cabin arrives as a flat-pack in a shipping crate, and is easily assembled on site by the customer. It is supplied with a manually operated door, safety interlock switch, dual-message LED warning sign, Emergency Stop break glass, internal Emergency stop button and entry door maglock – all linked to the ICS-Solo interlock control system.
Being modular, it is constructed from the same laser blocking material as the Laser Castle cabin (which is currently in service all over the world) and to enable low-cost ventilation, the cabin has an open roof void. The panels are certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4. The standard cabin is 3 x 3 x 2.4m including interlocks without the roof.
The ICS Solo Laser Interlock Controller is mounted on a hanging bracket inside the cabin with the internal LED warning sign, emergency stop button, connector, keyswitch and arming button.
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