Lantek is a multinational company that focuses on the development and commercialization of CAD/CAM/MES/ERP software and is a pioneer in the digital transformation of companies in the sheet metal sector. It has consolidated its leadership in national and international markets, with an increase in its client portfolio in the first half of 2020. This translates into over 1,100 new clients for the company.

This growth brings the total to 24,800 clients and sees Lantek reach a new milestone. This is a considerable achievement when one considers that it has happened during a period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and the strict measures taken by many countries to combat it. These restrictions resulted in productive activity in the sheet metal transformation industry being paralyzed or, at best, significantly slowed down.

“We’re incredibly pleased with the response to our new version, Lantek v2020, in the market and the trust that our clients are putting in us to maintain their businesses continuity and make progress in their digital transformation,” explains Juan José Colás, sales and marketing manager at Lantek. “We mustn’t forget that these results are fruit from the effort made by the vast Lantek family, both employees and partners, who have, once again, proven their professionalism and full cooperation, adapting to the exceptional circumstances imposed by the pandemic.”

In terms of the regions where a greater number of clients has been recorded in the first half of the year, Asia stands out with China and Korea in the lead; followed by Europe, where countries in Northern and Eastern Europe have played a special role. Western Europe has maintained robust growth, regaining some drive especially over the last two months while, in the USA Lantek has added new clients with significant solutions and projects.

Lantek at full capacity

Following the impact of coronavirus, market uncertainty is prevalent and the sheet metal sector is no exception. Faced with this situation and the conditions imposed by the ‘new normality’, Lantek is providing its clients with solutions the best way it knows how: adapting so that business never stops and production keeps increasing.

With this in mind and coinciding with the recent launch of Lantek v2020 under the slogan ‘Never stop’, the company wants to highlight its commitment to its clients, offering to collaborate with them across their whole business so that it never stops.

Now, there is growing popularity for remote working. Lantek has followed this trend allowing both its workers and its clients to keep operating, connecting from wherever they are located. Its new 2020 version has been prepared for all eventualities and is ready for operation in various virtualization scenarios so that employees in a client’s technical and commercial offices can keep using Lantek products remotely, using the innovations included in the Lantek 360º cloud platform.