We are delighted to welcome Dr Jennifer Johns to the GTMA team, bringing a range of expertise including research on technological change and innovation in global supply chain networks. She is a Reader in International Business at The University of Bristol. We have been working with Jennifer on a number of projects and are collaborating with the University of Bristol in funded research.
Jennifer recently published an extensive report examining the impact of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) on manufacturing supply chains in the UK, Germany, and USA. The work of this project ties in with the ongoing GTMA engagement with the UK-based Additive Manufacturing community and our Reshoring initiative.
This collaboration will foster a stronger understanding of Additive Manufacturing and supply chain strategies, providing some thought leadership and a platform to evidence development in these critical areas.
Jennifer’s professional profile can be found here http://www.bristol.ac.uk/efm/people/jennifer-l-johns/overview.html and LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-johns-535185131/