At a grand opening held from 8th – 12th October 2018, DMG Mori ( unveiled extensive improvements to its Famot machining centre and CNC lathe factory in Pleszew, Poland, one of the largest production facilities in the group with around 700 staff.

A total of 60 million euros has been invested, partly to extend the factory to 50,000 m² including 14,000 m² of production area and 7,000 m² devoted to assembly, which together receive more than 140,000 parts a day from store. In the production hall alone, 50 machine tools mainly from DMG Mori operate around the clock. New also are a castings store, logistics hall and inductive hardening facility.

The remainder of the investment went on digitising the entire process chain, from receipt of order through production planning and monitoring, machine data acquisition, supply chain management and machine assembly through to shipping.

It is the first DMG Mori plant to operate digitally over a manufacturing service bus, end-to-end, on all added value levels. Several modular software products are ultilised including from ISTOS ( for planning solutions, DMG MORI Software Solutions and WERKBLiQ ( for web-based service.

Dr Michael Budt, chief strategy officer for DMG Mori’s factories in Famot (Poland), Graziano (Italy) and Ulyanovsk (Russia) commented, “DMG Mori supports its customers on their path to Industry 4.0. If we are to offer targeted solutions, we have to develop our own digital infrastructures so we experience first-hand how digital transformation can be successfully implemented in practice.

“In this respect, the regenerated Famot factory represents a milestone for our group. New software systems have combined existing, isolated production areas into an integrated, agile network. The project has introduced efficient, fast and safe production processes as well as sustainable increases in productivity, quality, transparency and responsiveness.”

By 2020, the factory will be producing more than 2,000 of its own CLX and CMX lathes and machining centres with 3D touchscreen controls and additionally around 2,000 machine frames plus several hundreds more components and parts for sister companies within the DMG Mori group worldwide.

In addition, standard and customised automation solutions are offered, such as the PH 150 pallet handling system and the WH cell for the CMX series of machining centres, and the GX6 gantry loader and Robo2Go second-generation for the CLX turning machine range.