The Manufacturing Technologies Association Annual Dinner took place on Thursday 8 February 2018. While the evening was a celebration of the UK advanced engineering sector, the event also had a charitable side.

The dinner saw the announcement of the Presidents charity for the coming year. President Geoff Bryant, chose to support Engineers Without Borders UK for 2018.

At the dinner an auction was held which raised over £6000 to help support the work of the charity.

MTA President Geoff Bryant, said “Engineers Without Borders UK undertakes amazing work across the UK and the world, using collaboration to bring to change to communities through the power of engineering. I am proud that the MTA can support their work over the coming year.”

Engineers Without Borders UK leads a movement for change to embed global responsibility into the heart of engineering and ensure that people everywhere have equal access to the benefits of engineering.

Katie Cresswell-Maynard, Chief Executive of Engineers Without Borders UK, said “We’re excited to have been chosen as the MTA President’s charity this year and we were delighted that this kicked off so successfully at the annual dinner.”

She continued “We share the MTA’s passion for promoting the engineering sector, taking a responsible lead in addressing the key challenges faced by the global community.”

The MTA will support Engineers Without Borders UK over the coming year and are pleased to announce that the charity will be exhibiting at MACH 2018, in the Education and Development Zone. The stand will aim to highlight to students attending the show the inspirational things engineers do around the world to improve people’s lives and thus inspire them to look at the career opportunities in engineering in a different light.