igus has introduced a unique strain relief system for energy chains that replaces the cable tie-wraps that are commonly used in industry. Cables and hoses are simply inserted into a honeycomb, called the CFU, and then closed. Compared to cable tie-wraps or other strain relief solutions, the engineer can save about 80 percent assembly and engineering time.

Once the cables and hoses are inserted into the CFU and closed, the outer walls of the honeycomb cavities lie gently and uniformly around the cables. The honeycomb system is assembled in seconds and is also extremely flexible, as new cables can be inserted or replaced by hand.

The flush finish with the e-chain mounting bracket, enables the CFU to be used both in unsupported and gliding applications. The design also allows easy scaling for individual chain widths. Different cables are inserted into the vertical rows of the CFU, the system is closed and then screwed at the top.

With the honeycomb strain relief, the designer can already plan the chain and strain relief before the exact cable assignment is known. This can be changed easily in the later stages. Together with the new separator system for a custom-made interior separation, the honeycomb strain relief makes the E4.1L the easiest to fill energy chain in the market.

For more information about the E4.1L chain, please visit: www.igus.co.uk/e4.1L or call igus directly on 01604 677240.


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