The MTA held its Annual General Meeting recently. The meeting, which was proceeded by an MTA Members’ Forum, saw over 50 members come together to discuss the MTA’s future with potential new events and the Association’s response to Brexit at the forefront of the debate.

The AGM saw the MTA Presidency pass from Guy Mollart to Geoffrey Bryant, Managing Director of Citizen Machinery UK.

Mr Bryant said: “It is an honour to become President of the MTA for a 2 year term. I have worked in our industry for over 40 years and have been involved in MTA activities for 20 years. My previous role on the Exhibition Committee has brought me into regular contact with many MTA members. For those that don’t know me ‘my door is always open’ and I welcome contact on any subject. I thank the Association for the vote of confidence in me, I will do my utmost to justify it. Finally, I thank Guy Mollart, outgoing President, for his contribution to the MTA in the last 2 years”.

MTA CEO James Selka said “It is fantastic to welcome Geoff as the President of the MTA Board. Guy Mollart has been a great advocate for the MTA over the course of his two years at the helm and I would like to extend my sincere thanks for all the help and support he has given. We look forward to drawing upon Geoff’s wealth of experience to help guide the Association over the next two years. We are very lucky to have such dedicated members on our board who go out of their way to promote the amazing work undertaken in the UK’s advanced manufacturing technologies sectors.”
