Markus Horn has been appointed the new Managing Director of Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn GmbH. Together with his father, Lothar Horn, he manages the tool manufacturer’s global operations from the firm’s headquarters in Tübingen, Germany. Markus Horn has worked for the family company since January 2017, most recently as a member of the management board and head of IT.

The 36-year-old, third-generation family member said, “Our company’s proven cornerstones and successful business practices will continue to determine the way we work in the future.

“This includes having the entire value chain, from the powder to the coated tool, in our own plant. A high level of appreciation for our employees and a strong focus on customer requirements, technology and global growth will also remain at the core of our corporate philosophy.

“The future brings lots of challenges, such as new electric vehicles that involve less machining, but also opportunities such as digitalisation and networking, as well as new generations of tools. We need to seize these opportunities, take advantage of them and be pioneers.”

Lothar Horn sees the future of the company in the next generation. Knowing that the company will remain a family business under the management of his son is still important to him. The long-term Managing Director commented, “I am sure that Paul Horn GmbH’s success story will continue under the management of my son Markus, with the same fundamental values but also with new approaches.”