The latest developments at the METAV 2018 – The Sawing Technology Forum
Frankfurt am Main, 19 December 2017. – At the METAV 2018, a forum on sawing technology will be held for the first time on 20 February. It will be showcasing the latest developments and presenting applicationally relevant solutional approaches for simple single-blank cutting in a workshop environment all the way through to mass-production blank cutting. The VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), in conjunction with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart, is organising the Sawing Technology Applications Forum symposium. “We are purposefully aiming at fostering a dialogue between machinery and tool manufacturers and users,” emphasises Tim Mayer, Group Leader Sawing Technology at the IPA.
In the three thematic blocks of sawing machines, sawing tools and process optimisation, the IPA and various market leaders from the sawing sector will be presenting applicationally relevant solutional approaches. The participants in the event will thus acquire an overview of current trends not only in the sawing processes themselves, but also in the tools used and in the manufacturing and automation processes involved. This will enable them to form a picture of the present status in terms of ongoing research while at the same time finding out from technology leaders what is already possible in entrepreneurial practice.
In times of digitalisation and networking, the subject of Industry 4.0 must never be ignored, of course. The forum will accordingly also address the opportunities and options for sawing machines and the networking of downstream processes.
Specialists and managers can in the Sawing Technology Forum at the METAV 2018 acquire an overview of the ongoing status in the field of sawing technology, and will be offered specific aids to decision-making and insights into the field of sawing technology.
At a glance
What: Sawing Technology Users’ Forum
When: 20 February 2018, 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Where: Convention Center CCD East, Room M
Organisation: Fraunhofer IPA, VDW
Language: German
Fee: 120 euros, day ticket for the METAV 2018 is included.
Contact: Tim Mayer, Fraunhofer IPA, Tel. +49 711 970-1549,
9:00 a.m. Registration and welcome coffee
9:30 a.m. Sawing machines from large to small – Current solutions from the sector with examples from the field
10:30 a.m. Tool selection and its consequences – The right sawing tools for the right application
11:30 a.m. Process optimisation in present-day sawing processes –
Cost-efficient, smart sawing in the existing situational environment
12.30 p.m. Snack lunch
1:00 p.m. Event ends
Author: Gerda Kneifel, VDW Press and Public Relations
Background: the METAV 2018 in Düsseldorf
The METAV 2018 – 20th International Exhibition for Metalworking Technologies – will be held from 20 to 24 February in Düsseldorf. It will be showcasing the entire spectrum of production technology. The keynotes will be machine tools, manufacturing systems, high-precision tools, automated material flow, computer technology, industrial electronics, and accessories. These will be complemented by the new themes of Moulding, Medical, Additive Manufacturing and Quality, which are firmly anchored in the METAV’s exhibition programme in what are called “Areas”, each with its own nomenclature. The visitor target groups for the METAV include all industrial sectors that work metal, particularly machinery and plant manufacturers, the automotive industry and its component suppliers, aerospace, the electrical engineering industry, energy and medical technology, tool and mould construction, plus the metalworking and craft sectors.
You will find texts and pictures for the METAV 2018 on the internet under in the Press Service section. You can also visit the METAV through our social media channels