Eclipse Magnetics has launched a complete inspection and certification service for magnetic lifting devices from all manufacturers. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 states that “Lifting Equipment” must be thoroughly examined and, where appropriate inspected by a competent person at least every 12 months, or 6 months in case of “accessories for lifting”.
As part of the inspection service, Eclipse Magnetics can also carry out any necessary repairs. Tim Hollingsworth General Sales Manager for Magnet Materials & Assemblies at Eclipse Magnetics said: “Many people are unaware of the legal requirements associated with lifting equipment. Our checking and certification service will not only ensure that your lifter is certified in accordance with the relevant regulations, customers’ can rest assured that their device is fit for purpose and in full, efficient, working order.”
Eclipse Magnetics’ range of magnetic lifters includes the Ultralift Plus, a premier lifting magnet with built in safety features that provides fast and efficient lifting for a wide range of loads in the factory or workshop. As the material is permanently magnetic, no power is required to operate the magnet, therefore there are no operating costs. Capable of lifting both round and flat section loads in a variety of sizes, the Ultralift range also includes a thin plate option.
Tel: 0114 225 600